Greetings, oh curious and Gooch friends wherever, this is a little site map one may use to negotiate The Life and Times of..... This is a chronological journey but there also are untold stories of wonder unfolding behind some of these other Gooch's. These links will take you to each site or return HOME and click on a Gooch and enjoy this highly recommended website! Also there is sound! Turn up those speakers cause it is a vital part in some of these pages!
LYCOS:5 Stars! A fascinating study...
AOL:...could not sleep til every page turned...
GOOGLE:A riveting masterpiece! The website of the new millenia!
DOGPILE:Unbelievable! Incredible! The Document of late 20th century America!
Wow! What an awesome amount of stuff!!!! The definitive chronicle to this imfamous Utican! HAHA But back to HOME if ya want to click on assorted Gooch's!